088- Nico Lagan on Values and Finding Common Ground

Nico Lagan is a men’s coach, entrepreneur, Muay Thai instructor, podcaster and sales professional. He strives to help men achieve their personal legends by becoming strong men.


1:00 – Intro and leaving Canada 

5:00 – Training while traveling 

12:00 – Nico’s orientation as a men’s coach 

20:00 – Alcohol Abstinence 

26:00 – Workout Addictions & What is being compensated for 

28:30 – Quitting coffee cold turkey 

31:00 – Philosophy & Morality of Abortion

40:00 – Kids and Sex Education 

50:00 – Pros & Cons of the traditional Nuclear Family 

60:00 – Dogma & Religion 

65:00 – Meditation 

Nico’s Website: https://www.nicolagan.com/

Bro Nouveau on YouTube

Bro Nouveau on Instagram