038- Deepen Your Apology after You Have Committed Infidelity with Dr. Deb Miller

038-  Dr. Deb Miller is  a Missouri and Pennsylvania Licensed Professional Counselor with over 30 years in private practice as a therapist working with couples, families, adults, teens, and children. With a background as an educator specializing in the needs of at-risk children, serving as a visiting assistant university professor in counselor education, and as a school counselor, Dr. Miller a wide breadth of experiences in helping people heal and cope with their challenges.

Thomas and Dr. Miller discuss her book, More Than Sorry: 5 Steps to Deepen Your Apology after You Have Committed Infidelity


4:15- Deb’s background, career and path to specializing in post-affair relationships
8:15- Dispelling the notion that people cannot change or find redemption
14:45 – How many people who have been cheated walk away from the relationship?
17:45 – What is emotional vs physical cheating?
19:30 – What is it to be emotionally available in a relationship?
24:15 – Defining intimacy in a relationship and how to maintain it
29:15 – Do you actually like your partner?
32:15 – What is empathy, really? Skillset of empathy 
36:15 – Success story of a couple who made it through cheating 
43:15 – Monthly check in exercise for couples 
45:15 – Deb’s take on changing how men see expression and authentic communication 
55:15 – 3 Things Game 

  • Thomas’ question – what are three things you have learned about family? 
  • Deb’s Question – what are three things you have learned about gratitude?